Welcome to the (text-colour:#d9480f)[(text-style:"fade-in-out")[Wacky]] interactive history of Cell Theory
Although all facts are true, dialogue and dates are estimates unless otherwise noted.
[[Continue]]Double-click this passage to edit it.March 24, 1618
Arnemuiden, The Netherlands
You look out of the window. It's chilly outside, so you're inside tinkering with lenses. And molds. After all, the big client was due to arrive in just 3 weeks! But, he could wait. The Microscoop was nearly done! But, then again, you had gotten ahold of a report to the police on your "activities". By which it had meant your forging of coins. Just then your wife, Catharina, calls you. "Zachrias, children, dinner's ready!"
[[Go to dinner|dinner]]
[[Ponder a little]]
October 12, 1666
Dleft, Dutch Republic
You are at a dentist's. But you aren't here to have your removed or blackened. You are here to look at your teeth, or to be more specific, the junk on your teeth. The dentist opens his door and calls out, "Antonie van Leeuwenhoek?". You close your magazine and walk to the door. On your way in, you pass a man going out, moaning. "Ughhh, hurts so bad", he says. If only you could find out what made teeth go bad...
[[Enter the room]]
You hear the footsteps of your Children-in-law that you were named guardian of, 2 years ago. With them you inherited the spectacle shop that their father had owned. You started tinkering with lenses then, and one night the idea for a Microscoop came to you in your sleep. It had come in a dream, an instrument that looked like a tube, and when you looked through it you saw something incredible... Your wife calls you again, annoyed. "Zachrias Janssen, we are waiting!" I guess you have no choice but go [[downstairs to dinner.|dinner]]Holy cow! The Animacules, they were there! A couple days earlier,You take a seat in the chair. The dentist does the same, as he prepares the instruments for dental scraping. Then he picks up a tool that looks like a small pick and starts scraping. The pain is almost unbearable, but you hold it in. A few excruciating minutes later, there's a small pile of scrapings on a tiny plate. You stumble out of the chair.
[[Thank the dentist]]
[[Just leave]]You enter your house, which seems bigger since your wife died. But you decided long ago that you were not going to dwell on the past, and go straight to the lab area where you keep your microscope.
[[Enter the lab]](if:visits is 1)[There is a pond nearby, so you decide to grab a sample of the pond water into a plastic tube. You kneel down, and scoop the water into the tube.
[[Walk back to the street]](set: $pondwater to "yes")]
(if:visits is 2)[You've already collected pond water!
[[Walk back to the street]]]
(if:visits is 1)[You walk past a field and decide to catch an insect to study! You close in your hand on an Ant and put him in another tube.
[[Walk back to the street]](set: $ant to "yes")]
(if:visits is 2)[You've already collected an Ant!
[[Walk back to the street]]]
(if:visits is 1)[You stop by a abandoned house to scrape some mold off. You use a stick to put it in your tube.
[[Walk back to the street]](set: $mold to "yes")]
(if:visits is 2)[You've already collected some mold!
[[Walk back to the street]]]
You thank the dentist for his time, and exit the room. As you walk home, you wonder what kinds of surprises the scrapings hold. Then, an idea hits you. What if you collect some samples for your microscope! You could collect some pond water, catch an insect, scrape some mold, or you could just go home!
[[Enter your house]]
[[Collect some pond water]]
[[Catch an insect]]
[[Scrape some mold]]You stride out of the room, nose held high. As you walk home, you wonder what kinds of surprises the scrapings hold. Then, an idea hits you. What if you collect some samples for your microscope! You could collect some pond water, catch an insect, scrape some mold, or you could just go home!
[[Enter your house]]
[[Collect some pond water]]
[[Catch an insect]]
[[Scrape some mold]]You walk back to the street. You could either stop to collect some samples, or you could just keep on walking!
[[Enter your house]]
[[Collect some pond water]]
[[Catch an insect]]
[[Scrape some mold]]You enter the lab.
On a table in the middle lays a thing that looks like a paddle, until you look closer, at which point you would realize that there is a tiny hole in the middle, with a lens in it. That is your microscope! You are very excited to view your samples through the scope. After all, you got your dental scrapings for a reason...
(if:$pondwater is "yes")[You can look at some pondwater.
[[Look at pond water]]]
(if:$ant is "yes")[You can look at the ant.
[[Look at the ant]]]
(if:$mold is "yes")[You can look at the mold.
[[Look at the mold]]]
You can look at the scrapings.
[[Look at the scrapings]]
Or you could collect some more samples!
[[Walk back to the street]]
But then again, when was the first time you saw the Animacules?
[[Think back]]
You feel an urge to mail your friend, Robert.
[[Mail Robert a letter|unt]]
You decide to mail your friend, Robert Hooke about your discovery! You walk to the post office, and hand it to the mailman. Then you walk back home. By the time you get home, it's getting dark, so you decide to call it a day and go to bed. So many discoveries are waiting you!
[[Go to sleep]]November 19, 1666
London, England
You are about to look at a piece of cork. That might seem dull, but you are going to be looking at this cork through a microscope. The microscope has your name ingraved, //Robert Hooke SRS//. You finish prepping the microscope and slide the thin slice of cork underneath it.
[[Look into it]]<img src="https://i.ibb.co/z7mDsYw/corkblur.jpg" width="700" height="552">
Oh man, it looks like you'll need to adjust one of the knobs!
[[Adjust knob]]<img src="https://www.microscopeclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Cork-Cells-view-under-microscope.jpg" width="700" height="552">
That's much better! Then, you look carefully and realize that the bubbles in the slice of cork look a lot like cells! Those rooms that monks sleep in! Immediately you draw a picture of the cork, along with your remark on how it looks like a bunch of cells and put it in an envelope to send to your friend, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. When you get to the post office, you realize that Anton has beaten you to sending a letter, and in your hands you hold a drawing of something that Anton has called an "Animacule". Well, it looks like Anton is getting a drawing of cork in return!
[[Hand over the mail to the mailman]]
<img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/99/Pond_Water_Under_the_Microscope.jpg" width="736" height="600">
OH MY LORD! THE ANIMACULES ARE THERE!!! You feel like you just discovered something that would change humanity forever... You feel like you should share your discovery with your friend, Robert.
[[Put another slide in|Enter the lab]]OH MY LORD! THE ANIMACULES ARE THERE!!! You feel like you just discovered something that would change humanity forever... You feel like you should share your discovery with your friend, Robert.
[[Put another slide in|Enter the lab]]<img src="https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSuy3Bj8kZEb5Ou4e7gm4tgY2QM3kAJ5p7ItRfPJRdBehV-kADkIbC48YbOnjI287UEudY&usqp=CAU" width="736" height="600">
OH MY LORD! THE ANIMACULES ARE THERE!!! You feel like you just discovered something that would change humanity forever... You feel like you should share your discovery with your friend, Robert.
[[Put another slide in|Enter the lab]]<img src="" width="850" height="600">
OH MY LORD! THE ANIMACULES ARE THERE!!! You feel like you just discovered something that would change humanity forever... You feel like you should share your discovery with your friend, Robert.
[[Put another slide in|Enter the lab]]As you walk back to your home you think about cells, animacules, and ... Newton. That jerk ripped you off! He was inspired by your work in gravity, and he knew it! AND LIGHT TRAVELS IN PARTICLES!!! Ughh, he is such a pain in the ... anyways, you realize that you are passing the house of your good friend Christopher Wren. You could stop by, or go home. The choice is yours.
[[Stop by]]
[[Go home|Stop by]]
January 18, 1838
Hamburg, Germany
You are arguing with Matthias Schleiden. And you are getting agiated. You see, Schleiden keeps saying that cells come from "free cell formation". But you, are about to prove him wrong. But then, when did you start thinking that animals are made of cells?
[[Think back|thinkback2]]
Double-click this passage to edit it.You think back to the first time you saw the Animacules. It happened when you had tried out the microscope. You had gotten a piece of your garden soil and put it on your lab table. Then you looked through your microscope and... <img src="https://capitalscoalition.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/MaxPixel.freegreatpicture.com-Microscope-Soil-Microbes-Soil-Sample-1802199.jpg" width="800" height="600">Double-click this passage to edit it.It had happened a couples years ago. You were walking across a field when you realized that all animals come from cells. This observation though, didn't just "appear". After studying animal tissue for multiple years, you realized that all animals are made of cells. Theodor? Theodor! Schleden calls you.
[[Back to the world]]
January 18, 1838
Hamburg, Germany
You are staring at Theodore Schwann. You guys are disagreeing about the one of the three rules of cell theory. You both agreed on 1 & 2, That all living organisms are made out of cells, and the fact that the cell is the basic structure of life, respectively. But you think that no. 3, or what Theodore says is no. 3, "That all cells come from living cells", is wrong! You swear that cells come from "free cell formation". Your thinking is interupted as a man walks in. He has a beard, and wears glasses. And his name is Rudlof Virchow. He walks up to the table. What are you doing here?, you ask. Schwann invited me, he says, and lays down his files. On them is undisputed evidence that cells come from living cells. Although the name on the page is Robert Remak... He says, "Every cell stems from another cell".
It looks like you lost the argument.
[[The end]]Thanks for playing!
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